Emersoft Ltd.

Charity Booster

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  • Custom Application Development

  • Project management

  • 4 people team

  • Salesforce Integration

  • Stripe Integration

  • Custom CRM Development

  • JavaScript
  • Typescript
  • Angular
  • HTML 5

Empowering CharityBooster to Revolutionize Fundraising

CharityBooster, the top marketplace for charity events, needed to upgrade their platform to better help charities raise funds. They connect charities with the best professionals, products, and resources to make fundraising easier and more effective. Our goal was to create innovative solutions to streamline their services and boost their platform’s efficiency and impact.


"Partnering with Emersoft has been a transformative experience for Charity Booster. They seamlessly integrated our platform with Salesforce, streamlining our processes and boosting our efficiency. Their dedication and speed were truly impressive. Thanks to their expertise, we can now better support our mission. Highly recommend their incredible team!"

Chris Jennings

CEO Charity Booster


CharityBooster approached us to develop a digital marketplace for charities and events. Previously, they managed everything manually using spreadsheets, which led to inconsistencies and a lack of user-friendly automation.

Their main challenge was the absence of a consistent, automated system for managing bookings and complex processes that required manual updates in Salesforce. We built a new platform where charities can log in, create events, add products, and download marketing materials. We integrated Stripe for payments, QuickBooks for accounting, and ensured all data is seamlessly updated in Salesforce.


  • Develop a modern and scalable digital marketplace for charities and events.

  • Integrate the platform with Salesforce CRM for seamless data management.

  • Implement Stripe for secure and efficient payment processing.

  • Set up QuickBooks integration for streamlined accounting.

  • Create a user-friendly admin panel for easy content management.

  • Establish automated email notifications to enhance user engagement and communication

Our Process

We started by mapping out and agreeing on all business deliverables with the client, keeping in mind that they weren’t tech-savvy. This ensured we were all on the same page from the beginning. We then collaborated closely with their Chief Brand Architect to gather suggestions and feedback for the platform design, ensuring it aligned with their vision and branding.

Once the design phase was completed and approved by the client, we moved into the development phase. We adopted an agile approach, allowing us to adapt to changing requirements and ensure the platform met all of the client’s needs

This iterative process enabled us to deliver a robust and flexible solution that perfectly suited CharityBooster’s goals.


  • 4

    years of continuous collaboration

  • 700+

    active platform users

  • 3

    integrations (Salesforce, Stripe, QuickBooks)

  • 7

    processes automated

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